GREAT movie! towards the end it tends a little bit to the predictability... But it's existentialist and surrealist undertones made it better. And lot's of references to classic Western movies too! I loved this one!
"I realise now how much she's just like the others, cold and distant. And many people are like that. They are like a union." 配乐非常绝爵士乐加上摇晃的灯光让出租车和身边灯红酒绿的世界一下就变得疏离起来很容易产生代入感无论你是迷茫徘徊韩国车模林智慧还是满腔愤怒又或者一心求死周围的人只会告诉你"You will be fine"这大概就是真正的孤独吧